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Outreach Programme

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  • Date
    November 5, 2023
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Serving Breakfast At Sacred Heart School, Dunedin

What does Monday morning looks like? Thank you Sacred Heart School Dunedin for allowing us to serve breakfast at your school today. Thank you to the wonderful team who volunteered this morning!

Implementing a school breakfast program can have a positive impact on the health and well-being of students.

Research consistently shows a positive correlation between eating a nutritious breakfast and academic success. Students who consume a healthy breakfast are often more alert, have better concentration, and perform better in academic tasks.

  • Breakfast serves as the first source of energy for the day. Providing a balanced breakfast helps prevent energy slumps, allowing students to stay focused and engaged in their studies and activities.
  • Introducing a breakfast program at school contributes to the development of healthy eating habits.
  • Providing a nutritious breakfast helps stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing irritability and promoting a positive classroom environment.
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